Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Bryce

Happy Birthday Bryce!!

I cannot believe 2 years have passed since the doctor put you in my arms. You were in my heart a lot longer than that though. You are a precious, amazing, funny, sweet, temper-tantrum throwing, wonderful, loveable boy and I'm so proud to be your Mommy.

How did my little 6 lb 1oz baby boy who spent 34 days in the NICU...grow up to be such a wonderful amazing 2 year old. *tears* I love you so much my sweet baby boy.

Tomorrow we will celebrate with Uncle Randy, Aunt Jennifer, and your cousins Nathan and Judah. Today is just a quiet day. We already opened presents from Grammy and Opa. I think Mommy will give you 1 of your presents today so you'll have something special on your birthday.

We ordered you a Thomas cake. You love watching Thomas on tv and playing with your main Thomas and friends trains.

I'll leave you with a pic of my handsome baby boy from yesterday (the last day before turning 2)

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